Webdesign 1: Preliminary Considerations

If you want to create a Web page, you should think about the following questions:1. Who writes?

  1. Who writes?
  2. What do you want to communicate?
  3. Who will benefit from the information?

1. Who writes?

This means especially: What relationship do you have with the reader? . Are you a person who wants to share an interesting hobby with others? A craftsman who wants to draw attention to his business? A company that wants to sell something?

Is there a point of reference for the page? A club magazine, which will now run online? A company folder? A guild from an online game that wants to expand their forum?

What symbols are used in the reference? Is there a club / company / etc logo? What colors are in it? Can you use these colors for the site you want to create?

2. What do you want to communicate?

The purpose of the site  can primarily be derived from the first question. It’s important to know that the visitors are mainly looking for information. And they want the information fast.

Don’t forget that your site is supposed to do something for yourself and for others. Ask yourself: Does my offer help the reader? What benefits does he or she have from reading it?  Is it interesting for them at all?

Basically it’s like this: If you can’t reconcile your own and your users interests, they won’t stay on your website for long. In that case, you lost.

3. Who will benefit from the information?

Now you know in what role you are talking the reader and what you want to get across, the next question is about the reader. Whom do you want to view your website? Kids? Aged people? A company’s customers? Members of a club?

Obviously, different readers have different expectations on a website. A site for aged people requires a bigger font, a good contrast and easy navigation. A site for children, can be colorful though.

All these considerations will help you find a good structure for your pages and a design that fits your needs.

7 thoughts on “Webdesign 1: Preliminary Considerations

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